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This page will take you through some of my work. Since some of my designs sit inside other content management systems like WebCT, DesireToLearn or in intranet areas, I cannot link you to all of them directly. Rather, below are a series of Flash movies to take you through them. I have included links to live sites and pdfs of other materials. Please take the time to have a look.
Twitter :
These are a series of short flash videos created by camtasia.
Concept Maps are used to represent knowledge, using words in symbols. They aid learning by allow relationships and links between different concepts to be visually represented.
Once you can learn to build and read concept maps, they can become a powerful resource as a learning and collaborating tool.
Concept Maps using the open source CMaps:
Concept Maps using, free online software.
Technical Communications Letter of thanks by the publisher for contributions to the text. Tasks:
Created using a combination of image software: Illustrator, Photoshop and Fireworks.
These images were created for courses navigation
assignments | schedule | modules |
videocasts | download files | discussions |
These images are used as icons to help the user know what area of the course they are in.
This image diagrams cognative learning theory
Below are 2 screen grabs that were manipulated to demostrate how software is used. These images are of Dreamweaver.