ETEC 500
Research Methodologies in Education
This course introduces students to issues and practices in a range of educational research methodologies. Through interactive modules, students learn about and engage with research strategies to promote an understanding of how research impacts our lives and educational pursuits.
This course examines the methodological possibilities available to those reading, reviewing or conducting educational research. Research is viewed as a way of thinking critically about education issues and practice and is seen as central to the conduct of all education. We assume that education is advanced through the critical application of research and believe it is enhanced when educators practice with a disposition of inquiry and wonder.
Specifically the course will:
- introduce students to the variety of ways people frame and conduct research in education;
- familiarize students with resources available to them for the conduct of research (for example, libraries, online resources);
- enhance skills in critical reading and scholarly writing pertaining to educational research, and
enable students to use the information and skills obtained through the above objectives in the development of assignments that reflect their personal education and research interests.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- describe the kinds of knowledge claims that various research methodologies can make;
- determine the relationship between the research question or problem and the selection of a methodology;
- locate and critically evaluate and/or build on previous research in their area of interest;
- write clear and coherent essays that synthesize and critique educational research in their area of interest.