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Julie Whitehead e-folio

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ETEC 510
Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments


Design of technology-supported learning environments. An online seminar examining research, and exemplary media tools, as these inform the design of technology-mediated environments. We will explore constructivist and sociocultural theories of mind, learning and instruction and their significance for the design of educational technologies and environments. Students will design a technology-supported learning environment.


  • Participants will discuss different theories of learning and examine models of design and educational media.
  • Participants will learn to identify relevant affordances of educational media, and to think analytically and critically about pedagogical models and related designs.
  • Participants will be immersed in a broad and significant field of academic knowledge pertaining to the design of technology-supported educational spaces.
  • Participants will discuss a wide range of formal and informal learning environments, including games, e-learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, instructional software, and social networking sites.
  • Participants will learn to analyze learning situations and identify associated technology-related design challenges.
  • Participants will develop skills in the design of educational media, and the integration of design thinking with scholarship in education.