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Julie Whitehead e-folio

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MET Courses and Work

Masters of Educational Technology (MET)
( ) at UBC

  1. ETEC 500: Research in Education
  2. ETEC 510: Design of Technology Supported Learning Environments
  3. ETEC 511: Foundations of Educational Technology
  4. ETEC 512: Applications of Learning Theories to Instruction
  5. ETEC 520: Planning and Managing Learning Technologies in Higher Education
  6. ETEC 521: Indigeneity, Technology and Education
  7. ETEC 522: The Business of E-Learning
  8. ETEC 530: Constructivist Strategies for E-Learning
  9. ETEC 531: Cultural and New Media Studies
  10. ETEC 565: Learning Technologies: Selection, Design and Application